Monday, November 21, 2011

Monday, November 14, 2011

Character Model Sheet: Assignment 09

Ealain Accessories Front & Side View

Ealain Front & Side View
Ealain: Head Front & Side View

Building Concepts: Assignment 07

 Town Hall, main room: This is the very first area you get to explore before you get to go outside.

Suburbs: The place you grew up in while learning the ways of the knight.

Town Hall: This is the main building, you come here for briefing every time you leave for a new quest

Monday, November 7, 2011

Level Layout

Dioltas: Character concepts Assignment 08

 Your Uncle:
     Ealain's Uncle, Rober, is a skilled warrior, train in sword play, hand to hand combat, and magikai. Ealain's teacher mentor and due to recent events his only living family member.

Dragon's Lieutenant:
     Some say he is the most ruthless and cruel being known to man. He has no known name. the Dragon's highest ranking officer, specialty is torture, kidnappings and anything the Dragon asks of him, no matter how terrible. Rumor has it that he and the Dragon are relatives, long line but are dragon kin none the less, that would explain the mask.
    The main hero, you play as Ealain when your first experience the game for the first time before other back stories open up. He seeks revenge on the evil Dragon for the murder of his family. Was trained by the great Rober, Ealain is nible, agile, and ready to kill whoever stands between him and the Dragon.
        This is a character you encounter in the town, he is standing outside the general store, you must speak to him in order to gain his trust had gain an ally. Once you beat the game you can unlock this characters back story and play through the game as him. Since birth he as been alone, having to fight for his food against the dragon kin. he has earned the title as the best marksman in all the land. its said he once killed a whole quadrant of the Dragon's men with 5 arrows and the earth beneath his feet. 
    This character in particular can either help you or harm you. The rouge gives his stealthy, agile, and merciless killing streaks, to the highest bidder. Since you really have little to no money after you upgrade yourself, you usually have to face this for in combat which is easier said then done. but he can become a great ally, beat game to unlock rouges back story.

Monday, October 17, 2011

Assignment 03: Game Layout


High Concept:
   Play through mazes and dungeons, fighting your way to the Dragon.

   Action/ Adventure RPG.

Main Character:
   You play as Ealain, as a young boy your family was obliterated by a Dragon in the smal village of  Kurzok. You were sent to the kingdom to live with your uncle, the highest ranked royale guard, once you are old enough you begin your training in sword play, martial arts, and magikai. After 15 years you are ready for your vengence.

   Fight your way, gathering information on where the Dragon is residing.

Game Play:
   2nd person perspective, you can see your player, can upgrade skills, weapons, armor, stamina, magikai, and hand to hand combat.

   Mideval, natural landscapes, ruined castles, caves, abandon towns, volcano.

   Mideval, Dark Ages, time of black plague.

   Obtain swords, axes, shields, hammers, and armor from chests dead enemies or purchase, also acquire potions for magikai and health.

   Traps, puzzles, mind games, enviromental roadblocks, magikai barriers, and hoards of enemy NPC's.

   1) Go over controls basics; jump, run, slash, guard, etc. find the Lieutenant of the Dragon.
   2) Combat training, encountering enemies learning about magikai skills. Chase down the Lieutenant.
   3) Make your way to the mage given to your from the Lieutenant. Hoard, fight hundreds of enemies ranging in size, speed, strength, level and skill. (leveling up)
   4) Gather the ingredients the mage listed to make the Dragons death potion. Raising your skills in comprehension, and magikai by getting through mazes, puzzles, and magikai locks and barriers.
   5) Dragon fight! making your way through the Dragon's maze for the final battle and revenge.

End Goal of Levels:
   1) Find the Dragons Lieutenant and learn everything he does.
   2) Chase down the Lieutenant by using magikai traps.
   3) Talk to the mage that knows the Dragon's origin and how to destroy him.
   4) Gather all sorts of ingredients the mage gave you, protected by eniemies and magikai, so you can kill the Dragon.
   5) Kill the Dragon.

Monday, October 10, 2011

Assignment 01: 3 Game Artists

1. Shi Kai Wang, Bungie Studios,
    Raphael Lacoste, Ubisoft Montreal,
    Christiane Meister, Bethesda,

2. Shi Kai Studied at University of Illinois Urbana-Champagin, his major was BFA.
    Raphael Studied at Fine Arts School in Cananda, Arts, Media, Film and Photography.
    Christiane surprisingly majored in Biology.
3.Shi Kai Wang received his degree and through a friend got his dream job at bungie studios doing the concept art for Master Chief.
    Raphael worked hard through school, even made a short movie called The Little Prince, received his          European Masters of Art in 1998, and due to his amazing concept art on The Prince of Persia and Assassin's Creed he won the VES award in 2006.
    Christiane started like most, having to build your skills through practice in the field, she learned all she knows from working on games and tickering around with the programs on her free time and perfecting her technique.

4. Shi Kai said to just strive to be the best you can, have passion and heart, love every minute of what your working on.
    Raphael tells younger artist to just have drive and passion for what you are doing and don't under utilize your sources.
    Christiane says, "have a good foundation for art, the geek factor is priceless you need to be really excited for what you and doing it will show in the work you produce."